Eyebrows Hair Transplantation
Eyebrows Hair transplant is not only an aesthetic procedure. They are a critical characteristic feature that helps to express and define the way we look. As a result, for many people, eyebrows are important to the appearance, more than scalp hair. Unlike, the loss of scalp hair, and, the loss of eyebrows is not looking like a natural action. Therefore, it is not accepted cosmetically.
However, many reasons may cause the loss of eyebrows hair. For example, some diseases, burns, alopecia areata, infections, and most importantly, disappear of hair over time.
FUE Eyebrows hair transplant procedure differs from FUE Hair transplantation, in many important things. And, these differences depending on eyebrow anatomy and physiology. This is to say, the following are the main differences:
- First, the direction of hair changes in different parts of the brow. For example, near the nose, the hair points upward. But, the hair across the top of eyebrow points outward and downward. In addition, the hair in the lower part of the brow grows outward and upward.
- Second, eyebrows hair grow as individual strands. Moreover, then groups which are the characteristic of scalp hair.

Procedure steps for FUE Eyebrow Transplantation
Most importantly is following the hair direction very closely. During the FUE Eyebrow Transplant procedure. And, another important aspect for the eyebrow transplant procedure is using the only individual hair grafts (hair grafts containing single hair).
As a result, the main four recommendations for eyebrow transplantation are:
- Must using the hair grafts containing single hair.
- Hair must be rotated to follow the natural curve of the brow.
- The transplanted hair must be planted to lie as flat to the skin surface.
- The transplanted hair grafts should consider the changes in the natural direction of the hair in different parts of the eyebrow.

FUE Beard Hair Transplantation
Beard hair transplantation is not just an aesthetic procedure. But, Beard and Moustache are a critical characteristic feature. Therefore, it helps to express and define the way we look. However, for many men, beards and mustache are important to the appearance and feel confident. As a result, the loss of beard and mustache is not looking like a natural action. So, it is not cosmetically accepted.
Many reasons may cause the loss of beard and mustache hair. For example, testosterone, genetic predispositions, some diseases, burns, and alopecia areata.
FUE Beard and Moustache hair transplant procedure have almost the same sequence of the FUE hair transplant procedure and considered as a worldwide familiar aesthetic procedure.
The steps of FUE Beard and Moustache hair transplant procedure are:
- Consultation session step: During it, Dr. Demir will examine the recipient site to determine the nature of hair and the number of hair grafts to transplant.
- Procedure step: It is similar to FUE hair transplant procedure steps. But, two important aspects must take into consideration. First, the density, Second, the right angle with the direction of transplanted hair grafts.
- PRP treatment step: This is important to activate, strength and accelerate the recovery period of transplanted hair grafts.
- Post-procedure step: Washing, which will be done after FUE Beard and Moustache hair transplant procedure in 48 hours.